Will Bursitis Ever Go Away
Cup Football: Contrary to what we wrote yesterday, the finals will start 46th today
A change occurred in the timing of the finals of the 46th edition of the Cup which Congo was due to start last stage Kibassa Maliba area of Kenya. Originally scheduled yesterday, the final phase has been started for organizational reasons, a statement of the Congolese Federation of Football Association (Fecofa). The real reason is that the organizing committee did yesterday moved to the capital of copper. Thus, the start of the competition is today set Aug. 19. This, contrary to what we wrote in our edition yesterday.
14hoo A: Have-A-Ndoki Ndombe - Oc Bukavu Dawa 14hoo: Ace Club Veti Sm Sanga Balenda
The order of matches is maintained, but dates are changed as follows: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 while the final will be played next August 26.
Gaby Mass
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