The world celebrated last August 12, 2010, the International Day of Youth. The DRC through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, did not remain on the sidelines. The number one sport in this country, Mr. Claude Nyamugabo took this opportunity to send a message.
In it, the Minister said that it was during the UN General Assembly at its 65th plenary meeting, 18 December 2009, By resolution 54/134 proclaimed the year 2010, International Year of Youth. Thele chosen:''dialogue and mutual understanding''and the Minister noted that this choice for the DRC, was clairvoyant, because it allows us to reflect deeply on possible strategies and progress in achieving the objectives of the Action Programme World Youth and the Millennium Development Goals.
emphasis on youth, the Minister said the government of which he is a member is aware of major problems including inadequate facilities d’éducation pôpulaire comme les maisons des jeunes et de la culture, les centres des jeunes, les auberges des jeunes, des centres récréatifs et des loisirs pour les jeunes, l’insuffisance des cadres qualifiés dans le domaine de l’encadrement de la jeunesse etc
Et le Ministre note que les différents problèmes majeurs ont permis de fixer les orientations et axes stratégiques de la politique nationale de la jeunesse, validée le 14 août 2009. Il les a ensuite énumérés. Aux parents, le ministre les exhorte à s’intéresser aux activités des jeunes et à les y accompagner pour mieux les aider dans le choix qu’ils opèrent pour leur vie. Le Ministre Claude Nyamugabo also calls for both national and international organizations that already support an outstanding youth initiatives, intensify the attention finally meet with them the targets.
* In addition, Inter has made restitution to administration officials
The record relating to the deprivation of stadiums and selling Dima who raised the waves to the international union of the Department of Youth and Sports, which had convened an Extraordinary General Meeting Tuesday, August 10 at the General Secretariat for Sports. Yesterday, at the same place that the Inter- was lodged with the Minister by the Secretary General of Sport and Recreation Mr Barthlémy Okito Oleka, made restitution to administration officials.
Regarding the proposed privatization of the national stadium management, the international union has found abnormal init can not privatize the sports law. This makes no sense because it is precisely this act that will solve this problem. About Engen station to be erected at the Stade Tata Raphaël, the lease is 4 years with no warranty. Cost $ 48,000 including $ 1,000 as monthly rent. The contract will be issued by the Minister and may make amendments. Some have criticized that the signature the contract has been signed by the Secretary General of Youth and not by the Sports and Recreation Mr. Barthléméy Okito Oleka. They would like if this is the case, a warrant would be required.
For the sale of Dima, said the Inter niet. The minister told them he did not sell. Faced with the deterioration, he wanted to give you construct a building for all services. In this regard, trade unions have understood that there will be more sales but there will surrender. But they want to sell until there is construction. About
missions abroad, trade unionists have criticized que certaines s’effectuent sans représentant de l’administration. Au sujet de mission toujours, le ministre a pris acte de toutes les propositions. La décision est qu’à partir du 25 août, tous les dossiers devront commencer par la 2è direction. Vont passer après au secrétariat général avant de parvenir chez le ministre. D’ailleurs, le ministre a signé en date du 6 août une instruction qui énonce clairement qu’à partir du 25 août, plus personne ne pourra plus déposer l’ordre de mission au niveau du ministère et que lui, le ministre ne traitera que les ordres de mission qui seront accompagnés de certificat d’enregistrement et des arrêtés that qualify for these structures to function.
(Antoine Bolia)
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