steps taken so far, we have resorted to the written document or Summary of government, we raided on land to Tata Raphael stadium and Dima, we had physical contact with all concerned, we have attended the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Inter-Tuesday, August 10 at the Secretariat General of Sport and the Assembly of the Inter returning officers with sports administration Thursday, August 12 about same place first descent who had convened an extraordinary general meeting Tuesday, August 10 at the Secretariat General of Sport and interviewed Mr. Matthew Kitoko, President of Inter and Mr. Bartholomew Okito Oleka, Secretary General for Sport and Recreation. And our conclusion is dictated overlap of all these elements.
"From 2.11 Summary of the Council of Ministers of 6 August 2010 In his
Item 2.11 Proposed Privatization of National Stadium, it is stated that:" The cons-performance of the current management of national stages including two to one in Kinshasa and Lubumbashi conduit le ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports à solliciter du Gouvernement l’autorisation pour lancer un appel d’offre pour la privatisation de la gestion de ses stades ". Il a également proposé la cession par appel d’offre de l’immeuble du ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, avenue Dima dans la Commune de Kinshasa, en échange de la construction sur un nouveau site du siège de ce ministère qui est appelé à quitter le site du Stade des Martyrs, où il est installé actuellement. Le Gouvernement a approuvé l’option d’un partenariat public-privé dans ces dossiers et chargé le ministre de la Jeunesse et des Sports à préparer le dossier y relatif à soumettre Council.
"On the descent to land
From August 7, we seized the Sports Ministry to inquire about the case and we have learned nothing special. Descent at Stade Tata Raphaël next to the Secretariat General Youth has enabled us to see the existence of bounds on an area of 50 mx 30 m on the ground currently occupied by cars dealers in Europe. There will erect a service station. When asked, they have responded they are aware of nothing if the place is sold or not. However, they found as we are being asked terminals. They can not be explained especially since each of them spends FC 1000 per vehicle per day rental basis. Dima on our descent we found that there was nothing special. However, almost all administrative knew the rumor of the sale of the site.
"physical contact and assistance at meetings of the Inter
At the extraordinary general meeting on August 10 of the Inter and that restitution to the agents and officers of the Sports and Recreation Administration, chaired by M . Kitoko Matthew, President of Inter, it was revealed that they have seen the Minister Claude Nyamugabo about the proposed privatization of the national stadium management. And he revealed that the Minister had remarked that somewhere, something the union had raised as a problem is very fundamental to the future of the department. There was talk that both parties can agree with reports emerging issues mentioned above.
From project of privatizing national stage, Mr. Kitoko revealed that Inter had asked the minister to present the reasons which had prompted him to act as it had made to Cabinet. To this end, the Inter told him that there was procedural because before presenting something to the board, he must consult the technical service, that is to say the administration. Here, "continued Mr. Kitoko, while acknowledging the procedural defect, the Minister would have given reason to Inter. After the Inter told the minister that if so, privatization is premature because the law is that sports in parliament provides precisely the mechanisms of transfer of sports facilities. And this law says that there will be a board of management of infrastructure sports. The Inter he noted that if he (the minister) privatized today is in contradiction with this law, because tomorrow may fall any lapses. In conclusion, Inter said no deprivation, to the extent that there is a law that will solve this problem.
About Engen station to be erected at the Stade Tata Raphaël, the Inter initially did not want because of the proximity to the stadium. But he softened his position following the explanations of the minister who had posed the problem to the Government. It would have taken all the more so as the oil company had seen her 4 stations relocated following the work undertaken on Boulevard Lumumba. The Inter nevertheless asked the Minister to submit the contract and he will see what is inside.
other hand, the union asked the minister whether the Secretary-General for Sport and Recreation who is ability to sign this contract here. As this is a rental, not sale (note the lease is 4 years with no warranty. Cost $ 48,000 including $ 1,000 as monthly rent), the contract will be issued by the Minister and may make amendments . Some have criticized the signing of the contract will be made by the Secretary General to Youth and not by the Sports and Recreation Mr. Barthléméy Okito Oleka. They would like if this is the case, a warrant would be required. Ultimately, the Inter wants that under 4 years, we can not renew the contract.
For the sale of Dima, said the Inter niet. The minister told them he did not sell. Faced with the deterioration, he wanted to give a building to be built for all services. In this regard, trade unions have understood that there will be no sale, but there will surrender. But they say they will yield when the construction will have begun.
A propos des missions à l’extérieur, les syndicalistes ont fustigé que certaines s’effectuent sans représentant de l’administration. Au sujet de mission toujours, le ministre a pris acte de toutes les propositions. Ainsi, à partir du 25 août, tous les dossiers devront commencer par la 2è direction. Et ils passeront ensuite au Secrétariat général, avant de parvenir chez le ministre. D’ailleurs, le ministre a signé en date du 6 août une instruction qui énonce clairement qu’à partir du 25 août, plus personne ne pourra déposer l’ordre de mission au niveau du ministère et que lui, le ministre ne traitera que les ordres de mission qui seront accompagnés certificate of registration and orders that qualify for these structures to function.
"The Secretary General believes that Barthlémy Okito about the stages of Deprivation and sale of Dima:" The minister said he did not privatize the stadium but the management "
Turning point on the sale of Dima, a commission will be established which will consider all proposals. Here, the Secretary-General revealed that the economic operator or developer who wants to take it must first construct a building that will disgorge all services scattered from the Ministry of Sports. In fact, it is a safeguard. The Inter insisted that the memorandum of understanding, it will include this clause that really, this building is constructed then the department will assign the space that is located on an ideal location (near a market). Concerning the privatization of stages, the Secretary-General Okito we noted that the Minister has said he does not privatize the stadiums but rather the management. As for the contract
Engel, Secretary General Okito revealed that Inter had suggested that the rent money ($ 1,000 / month) is well used. The minister agreed to give them a copy of the contract so they can make amendments. In plain terms, there is no sale but rental. Missions abroad, the Secretary General Okito said the minister took note of all proposals. Now, the files must begin with the 2nd direction, then the General Secretariat before being forwarded to the minister. For this purpose, the Secretary-General reveals that the minister has signed a statement of work including the following substance:
Sir, I
urge you to inform the sports federations of the Congo and leisure than the date 25 August 2010, records that do not comply with the provisions of Ministerial Order No. 10 011/CAB/MIN/JSL/2010 May 2010 on the approval of the associations will no longer be handled by departments of the Ministry. Each file will be sent for processing (mission, exit permits, etc..), Be absolutely attach photocopies of documents of approval (certificate of registration and ministerial decree granting favorable for obtaining legal personality). The Congolese president of the Olympic Committee and the heads of federations that bind me in hard copy are requested to act promptly to comply with the provisions of the Decree, the aim being for the Department to deal with legal entities existing in by national legislation. Signed Master Claude Nyamugabo.
"What can we conclude from this?
In our humble opinion, it would never come to the situation raised by the proposed privatization of the national stage if the DRC which has just celebrated its fifty years of national sovereignty and international s That was with a sports law. En l’absence de celle-ci, il est tout à fait normal qu’on en arrive à cette situation largement évoquée dans cette édition. D’autre part, les politiques ne peuvent nullement se passer de l’administration qui est l’âme de toute organisation. Ne dit-on pas que quand l’administration va, tout va bien ? La Rdc a tout intérêt de se doter d’une administration forte, gage pour l’avenir.
La privatisation en soi est une honte pour un pays. Car en matière des sports, l’érection des infrastructures est une tâche qui incombe à l’Etat. Il est de ce fait appelé aussi à les entretenir et à assurer leur protection. Si jusque where there was failure in the management of the stadium, because the policy was mixed. It is the various ministers who place managers in the long run have to give account to them. If it fails, they are called upon to assume. To avoid privatization, it will give the stadium management to administer and judge then. Is not it up to the minister to control them?
(A survey by Antoine Bolia)
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