Jenny spent an hour with associations of Fontenay-sous-Bois on the occasion of the feast of music and to provide support to the creation of an association to fight against sickle cell disease.
A heavy and painful subject for a holiday. A disease that is scary. Nobody wants their child suffers. But the disease is there. This is the first genetic disease in the world and the least known: we must talk about reducing the pain and silence.
No, this incurable genetic disease is not just Africans. No, this incurable genetic disease affects not only the Melanoderms No, incurable genetic disease that affects not only the "Caribbean". No, patients do not disturb social order: they have only received their parents' genes are the cause of the disease.
Yes, you can live with sickle cell disease, thalassemia, microcytosis and other forms of the disease. A condition of entering a treatment protocol and observe a strict lifestyle. Provided also benefit from the benevolence of their social and cultural development.
Portrait of Jenny Hippocrates-FixyJenny Hippocrates-Fixy is chairperson of the Association "Together against sickle cell disease.

How you go about you?
By creating Event and working at the union associations.
Interviews: "Patient Organizations: Unity is strength."
Hippocrates-Fixy Jenny
, March 2008, by serge cane.

Fighting disease in the bodies and minds
Sickle Anaemia CELL IN THE WORLD
Amicale sickle Sickle Anaemia CELL IN THE WORLD
Amicale the fight against sickle cell disease in Cameroon
Address: BP 13029 Yaounde Country: Cameroon (Rep. of) Tel: 237 983 September 1972 Mail: Cameroon has sickle cell-online dot com

CAMEROON - cel. / Tel. (237) 952 72 96 / 347 34 73
President: D. Billong Emmanuel (National Coordinator)
Vice-President: beName Berlin andrepanocam at yahoo dot fr
Plants provide comfort but remain powerless cons sickle cell
Jenny Hippocrates - FIXY, President of the
"How can you lie to millions of patients with sickle cell disease and seeking healing? I say to all those who believe in this molecule boasted that nothing has been proved in so far as the health authorities have not tested and they have not given their approval to do a test scale . Myself and the association that I disclaim all responsibility and do not endorse in any way what is utopian and "quackery".

Read Review of SOS Globi

Dr. Jerome Medegan FAGLA speaks of "finding a cure against sickle cell disease.
MEDEGAN FAGLA Dr. Jérome - Vivement dimanche
sent LunaticDog94 . -
News Centre Live Video.

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