Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Idea What To Write In An Arrival Of A Baby Card

France - Madagascar: Sickle Cell Network OpenMRS

The integration of ICT in activities on land is a new initiative by the Association LCDMF for improving the quality of decision responsible for sickle cell patients in Madagascar and neighboring islands.
This project is to create a network of multilateral cooperation in the fight against Sickle Cell Disease in the Indian Ocean Region and is now a reality thanks to the online system OpenMRS Sickle Cell and the establishment of an interactive website. OpenMRS is a scientific contribution GNU / GPL for the management of patient records secure, it is based on an innovative concept as having interests:
* For Doctors treating - To better organize the process of care. (Easy access to the file, follow best, etc.) - To be able to join a caring community and international expertise in the management of sickle cell patients. - The data is secure. (Reduced risk of loss or data leakage) * For Researchers
- The completeness of the data helps to promote cross-sectional studies and / or longitudinal to advance clinical research, including updates of management protocols care and patient monitoring.
- A Research Network from the data warehouse is practically feasible.
* For Patients - To be able to receive quality care tailored to international standards. - His record remains accessible wherever it goes and its management may be provided by an international community of experts and specialists in case of complications or problems difficult to solve.
- It is informed at any point in the evolution of his illness and he has the opportunity to ask direct questions to specialists within the network. This communication is secure.

In conclusion, the Association LCDMF will pursue this action from the moment the system is scientifically validated by the Educational Committee of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of the Mediterranean Aix-Marseille II in the Master of Engineering Expertise and Information Systems of Health (EISIS) at the end of June 2009.




Association LCDMF


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