The current distribution of sickle cell disease is closely linked to demographic changes caused by drafts to the modern era. This link to the story justifies the support of Csgd94120 to create an association to fight against sickle cell disease in Fontenay-sous-Bois.
Pending the completion of this project, we propose to
Fontenaysiens two meetings:

Creteil, on the occasion of International Day of
June 19 (see program below) At Maison du Citoyen and Community Life, Sunday, June 21 Mrs Jenny Hippocrates will celebrate the music with the 600 associations Fontenay-sous-Bois and Fontenaysiens involved in sickle cell disease, thalassemia and microcytosis.
Maison du Citoyen and the Voluntary 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. multiple genres. Succession of small events on an outdoor stage, dance performances and poetry.

-*- Conference debate
The APHP the heart of the management of sickle cell disease
From 11 hours to 16 hours Hall Hospital associative Stands - SOS GLOBE: Awareness of screening and blood donation presentation of projects of the association - EFS - WOMEN IN BECOME
Animation 12:00 - Musical: The road to success mobilization teams research on sickle cell Exhibition Scientific poster
Room Rothman Nelly - Exhibition Sales table for the benefit of the association of patients
Conference debate Henri Mondor Hospital Center in the heart of reference support Amphitheatre of the Faculty of Medicine Site Mondor
14 h opening
Martine Orio
Madam Director of the Hospital Henri Mondor
14 h 05
Professor Serge ROMANA
Tribute to precursors and gentlemen and Camille Guy Merault BERCHEL
Caribbean Centre for drepanocytosis Guy Merault
14 h 15
Professor Frederic GALACTEROS
Coordinator sickle cell center reference
Organization of national ownership
14 h 30
Professor Bertrand Godeau
Head of Department of Internal Medicine
support adult sickle cell disease
14 h 45
Professor Michel GOOSSENS
Manager Genetics Service
Screening and diagnosis of sickle cell
15 h 00
Professor Yves BEUZARD
INSERM Department Head Emeritus of Biochemistry Hopital Saint-Louis
Pathways Therapeutic Research
15 h 15
A GLOBE 94 association of patients serving patients
15 h 20
Word Room
15 h 45
Conclusion Mr. Patrick Karam
Mr. interministerial delegate to equality of opportunity
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* -*-*-*-*-*-*
Together against sickle cell
4th Congress of the SCD 18 to 19 June 2009
Gadeloupe Attitude
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