Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shoulder Pain Etopic Pregnacy


5 & 6 March 2011: OPEN DAYS AT BARNHAVEN Primrose PLESTIN strikes (22)
Sale and Exhibition Primula of all varieties and wide range of hellebores.
Primula juliana 'Footlight Parade'
Address: 11 Rue du Pont Blanc - THE STRIKES
PLESTIN 22310 Tel: 02 96 35 68 41
Link to website Barnhaven Primroses.

Monday, February 21, 2011

British Or American Men

The Lemon Festival in Menton from February 18 to March 9, 2011

Visit the collection of citrus Palace Carnolès orchid festival, craft show.
All the detail of this festival that celebrates, This year, the great civilizations, on the website of the Lemon Festival.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reprogram Gemmy Holiday Light Show


Several people have already expressed, in effect it was expected that the number 76 of our journal, People & Plants, is routed from the January 20 and there was a delay.
We are sorry for many of you have already received the call to resubscribe when the number 76 you are not yet succeeded.
You should receive the number 76 this week.
By cons, as mentioned in the previous message, the hotline will not be provided Wednesday, February 2, Tuesday 8 and Wednesday, Feb. 9 for health reasons.
Thank you for your understanding.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Store Bought Coleslaw


The hotline's Office CCVS usually performed on Tuesday and Wednesday will, exceptionally, not assured on Wednesday 2, Tuesday 8 and Wednesday, February 9 for health reasons.
Please contact us by email at:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Iphone Electric Box Walkthrough Level 19


Article written by Françoise Hardy, artist and president Honorary Support Committee greenhouses of Auteuil; published in Le Monde on January 26, 2011.
There is mention made several collections of plants labeled by CCVS.
Thanks to Françoise Hardy.
Link to the website of Le Monde.

Friday, January 14, 2011

11 Dpo With Weird Smelling Cm?


Release of Winter (76) from January 20, 2011.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Average Price For Bridal Lenghas In Gujarat


The City of Nantes celebrating the tercentenary of the arrival of Magnolia with a multitude of events all au long de l'année :
  • Racines américaines : carnet de voyage de Denis Clavreul, au pays des Magnolias au Jardin des Plantes du 5 février au 15 octobre 2011.
  • Nantes fête le Magnolia : visites, marché au Magnolia, expositions, au Jardin des Plantes, au Parc Floral de la Beaujoire et dans les rues les 1er, 2 et 3 avril 2011.
  • Kinya Maruyama et le Magnolia étoilé : installations de l'artiste japonais, du 2 avril au 15 octobre 2011 au Jardin des Plantes.
  • Jardins venus d'ailleurs : installation participative dans les douves du Château des Ducs, initiée par G. Hauray et S. Pauvret, en lien avec l'exposition "Nantais Venus d'ailleurs" du April 2 to November 7, 2011.
  • Madness plants, "uprooted rooted" exhibition and sale of plants, events 10 and 11 September 2011 at the Grand Park Blottereau.
  • exhibitions at the House of Erdre, the Jardin des Plantes, etc..
All information on the website of the City of Nantes

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dishwashing Tips Restaurant


With 2010 ending the Year of Biodiversity. And in early 2011, International Year of Forests, so does the Conservatory Plant Collections Specialist (CCVS) as a tree.
What a tree asked the writer Michel Tournier in Fugue du Petit Poucet ? "A tree is primarily a balance between a crown and aerial roots underground. This purely mechanical balance alone contains a whole philosophy. For it is clear that the branches can grow, expand, embracing a corner of heaven increasingly large proportion as the deepest roots, multiply, divide into rootlets of growing to solidify the building. Those who know the trees know that some varieties - especially the cedars - develop their antlers recklessly beyond what can insure their roots. Everything then depends on the site where stands the tree . If exposed, if the ground is soft and lightweight, it only takes one storm to flip the giant. So you see, the more you want to raise, the more it must be grounded. Each tree tells you. "

More antlers of our association expands and diversifies, the more roots underground
constituted by its members and its Board of Directors, must be developed to ensure balance and stability. But everyone knows that the slightest breath or any storm could kill what is already more than twenty years of dreams and realities.

Whatever storms we succeed against all odds to keep the sails and we sail
to new adventures. One of the best is to leave the footsteps of Louis Antoine de Bougainville
. The famous navigator and explorer, died two centuries ago (August 31, 1811).
The ambition of the expedition is to better see damage from human activities on the environment and scratch our good planet Earth.
A team established to build and monitor the project "On the trail of Bougainville" (travel, exhibitions, conferences, articles, special issue on "Men & Plants", etc..). The various journeys can be followed on the blog our website.
The finding of this adventure we will further strengthen and further the role of collections and collectors in the preservation of living plant. The first major project of computerization of collections undertaken actuellement par le CCVS, indique déjà le remarquable potentiel de l’ensemble des plantes botaniques et horticoles, dont beaucoup se trouvent menacées d’extinction dans la nature.
Que cette année 2011, placée sous le signe de Bougainville et des forêts, apporte à tous un peu d’espoir
et de douceur, « du grain à moudre » pour nous indigner positivement, entrer en résistance et respecter,
dans une pensée durable et solidaire, cet environnement végétal et animal qui nous est cher.

Bonne année
Françoise Lenoble-Prédine
Présidente du CCVS
( Editorial Men & Plants magazine, issue 76 Winter 2010 published in mid-January 2011)