Friday, October 26, 2007

Sinus Ifection Blood In Stool

The articles Csgd94120

  • Historical Society 94120 St. George & Dalayrac
  • Citizen's House of Life Associative
    16, rue du Reverend Father Aubry
    94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois

    Act of July 1st, 1901 relating to the contract of association OJ of July 2, 1901, decree of 16 August 1901 Law No.
    ° 71-604 of 20 July 1971, Official Journal of 21 July 1971) Act No. 81-909
    of 9 October 1981, Official Journal of 10 October 1981

    ARTICLE 1. - NAME undersigned founding members - whose names are listed in Annex - established as follows, the statutes of an association governed by the law of l July 1901 and the Decree of 16 August 1901, with the name "Historical Society 94 120 - St. George & Dalayrac" hereinafter referred to as "Company History" (Csgd94120).

    The primary purpose of "The Historical Society

    " of reading, comprehension and writing the history of Fontenay-sous-Bois by three major areas:

    societal development of the town of Fontenay-sous-Bois from its origins to our days

    Life and Work of Joseph Bologna said Knight of St. George and Nicolas Dalayrac, contemporary musicians of the second half of the eighteenth century

    Opening Fontenay-sous-Bois on new worlds and the Global Village at the twenty-first century.

    "The Historical Society " does everything it has decided at the General Assembly to achieve its objectives in a spirit of sustainable development, secularism , of cosmopolitanism, universalism and the principles of the French Constitution, European law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter.

    The founding members, active members and inactive members - must have paid a single membership set by the resolution of "The Historical Society " - spend them an agreement in which they pool, a permanently, with purposes other than profit sharing, annual dues, their knowledge, skills, activities, material resources. This agreement is governed, as its validity, the general principles of law applicable to contracts and obligations and all rights pertaining to intellectual property in order to achieve the objectives of Article 2 hereof.

    • The amount of memberships, dues, donations are final and irrevocable "The Company" • Material goods inventoried are recoverable by the owner • Volunteer work does not result in contract or remuneration. • The knowledge and know-how implemented by the active members under contractual engagements, conducted on behalf of the Company are paid under the conditions of the contract.

    Maison du Citoyen and the Voluntary
    16, rue du Père Aubry 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois

    The Company uses email and legally Internet resources. The mail is sent to the address of officers, according to their responsibilities. Regular business meetings are held at the address indicated on the summons.
    Historical Society 94120 St. George & Dalayrac

    Article 5: MEMBERSHIP

    members are all persons or entities that participate in the association. They adhere to these statutes.
    Being a member of "The Historical Society" requires the approval of the Bureau. The Bureau shall decide at each meeting.

    "The Historical Society

    " distinguished founding members, active members and members. These categories are composed of natural or legal persons, with the exception of any political party, union, religious institution or sect. The membership list is maintained by the office. This list shall be declared to the CNIL.

    Founding Members The founding members are those who founded "The Society of St. George & History Dalyrac" in enacting these statutes.

    Alexis Marise Bique

    Honore Ocolier

    Renee Weinstock

    Members Sociétaires Without an effective presence or participation in everyday life, Sociétaires are in development and support activities of the association. The members perform the single membership fee whose amount is fixed by the Annual General Meeting.

    Active Members Active members are members who joined us for an annual fee in addition to membership fee only. They participate in the political and administrative management of the "Company History".
    Removal of a member or partner Membership is renewed automatically for all members who have paid a single membership. At the termination of membership, the single contribution, annual contributions and donations shall be paid to "Company History".

    Resignation of a member or partner Any member may withdraw at any time upon payment of dues for the current year. The resignation is imperative notified by mail.
    Removal of a member or partner

    The cancellation is decided by the Board of Directors, upon proposal of the Bureau in accordance with general principles of law applicable to contracts and obligations and the present status. The voluntary liquidation ou judiciaire entraîne la radiation de fait des personnes morales. Décès d'un Membre ou Sociétaire

    Le décès des personnes physiques entraîne leur radiation en tant que membre actif, le cas échéant. Une biographie des membres actifs décédés est classée dans les archives.

    Société d'Histoire 94120 Saint-George & Dalayrac GESTION POLITIQUE ET ADMINISTRATIVE

    "La Société" est dirigée par

    L'Assemblée Générale Special
    The General Assembly

    The Board 4

    Those elected to these bodies are essential for active members to date with their annual dues. The non-renewal of the levy to 21 May each year to lose the quality of elected. Provided that the annual fee is payable not a voluntary act.

    a special General Assembly

    The Extraordinary General Meeting is convened on request • more than half an active member • Ordinary General Assembly by President
    The Extraordinary General Meeting is to 1) to amend the articles,
    2) dissolve "Company History". The Extraordinary General Meeting includes the founding members, members and Active members. Each member has paid the dues for the current year to 21 May of this year is entitled to one vote.
    agenda and conduct
    The agenda appears on the summons. Should not be treated at the Assembly General meeting, that questions submitted to the agenda.

    The Extraordinary General Assembly can only validly deliberate unless at least 75% of its members are present or represented.
    The President, assisted by officers, presides over the assembly and exposes the moral situation. The treasurer shall report on his management and submits the budget to the Assembly for approval. points to the agenda are presentations by the rapporteurs appointed for this purpose by the Board of Directors.

    The meeting deliberated. Resolutions are

    validly adopted by a simple majority of votes of the members present or represented.

    Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting shall be signed by the Chairman and a member.

    Second call

    In the absence of a quorum, the Extraordinary General Meeting will be reconvened in a period that may not be less than 8 days from the date of the first meeting.
    The Extraordinary General Meeting, on second call, not validly deliberate unless at least half its members are present or represented.


    Ordinary General Meeting

    The founding members, active members and the members participate on the call of the Bureau, at the Annual General Meeting. Each member has paid the dues for the current year within the time entitled to vote.

    The ordinary General Assembly can only validly deliberate unless at least half its members are present or represented at the meeting.

    Agenda of the General Assembly

    The agenda is établi par le Conseil d'Administration. Il figure sur les convocations. Les questions non inscrites, déposées avant le début de la séance, sont acceptées dans la limite du temps disponible. Ne devront être traitées, lors de l'Assemblée Générale ordinaire, que des questions qui n'auront pour objet ni de modifier les statuts, ni de statuer sur la dissolution de "La Société d'Histoire".

    L'ordre du jour comprend impérativement :
    1°) Le compte-rendu de la gestion de l'année écoulée : Rapport d'activité et résultat financier
    2°) La présentation des projets pour l'année à venir avec leur budget Estimated
    3) Policy analysis and scientific work of "The Company".

    Conduct of the General Assembly The President, assisted by members of the Bureau, presided over the meeting and outlines the moral of "The Society of History." The treasurer shall report on his management and submits the budget to the Assembly for approval.

    points to the agenda are presentations by the rapporteurs appointed for this purpose by the office

    The Assembly deliberates

    Resolutions are validly adopted by the majority simple votes of members present or represented voting. is hereby adopted, after exhausting the agenda, replacing secret ballot, members of the outgoing Council.

    The minutes shall be signed by the Chairman and a member and filed in the archives.

    Second call

    In the absence of a quorum, ordinary general meeting will be reconvened in a period that may not be less than 8 days from the date of the first meeting.
    The ordinary General Assembly, on second call, not validly deliberate unless at least one third of its members are present or represented at the meeting.



    The Board of Directors, or directors are elected at general meetings.
    The Board is empowered to act
    • through the Bureau, on behalf of "Company History",
    • make or authorize any acts and operations consistent with the mandate entrusted by the General Assembly and with this status.

    Administrators are Representatives of the association in all acts of civil life.

    Composition of the Board

    The Board of Directors composed of active members joining since at least one year. The Board of Directors must be individuals are either individual members or legal representatives of legal persons.

    The Board consists of founding members, the officers plus three to nine (3-9) elected members.

    Renewal Board The Board is renewed every third year. The first and second year, the outgoing members are drawn. The Board of Directors may be reelected. In case of vacancy, the Council provides temporary replacement of its members. He proceeded to their final replacement by the next General Assembly. The mandate of the members so elected shall expire at the time would nominally expire the mandate of the members replaced.

    Operation Board

    The Board of Directors meets once absolutely every three months.
    The agenda is prepared by the office. It includes l'heure de début et de fin de la réunion dont la durée ne peut être inférieure à 24 heures ni supérieure à 48 heures.

    L'ordre du jour est établi par le Bureau. Les questions non inscrites sont acceptées dans la limite du temps disponible. Les décisions sont prises à la majorité des voix. En cas de partage, la voix du président est prépondérante.
    Tout membre du Conseil qui, sans excuse, n'aura pas assisté à trois réunions consécutives, pourra être considéré comme démissionnaire.

    Mission impératives du Conseil d'administration

    • Désigner les membres du Bureau
    • Initiate and follow the actions that fall within the missions of "Historical Society"
    • ensure financial management, control of revenue and direct spending • Create technical group, define its mission. • Identify and project managers define their mode of operation of such projects.
    • Sign contracts with owners of intellectual property and / or materials that are protected
    to the rights of each party.
    • Establish and amend the rules.


    The Office is the executive of "The Society of History" (Csgd94120).

    He administers between meetings of the Board of Directors.
    The Office reports on its activities before each Board of Directors, which gives him a discharge.

    The officers are elected by the Board of Directors.
    They are responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the association and the implementation of decisions taken at General Meetings. The bureau convened by the president who sets the agenda

    Composition of the Bureau

    The Board consists of at least three members and no more than 7 members elected from the Board of Directors by secret ballot and responsible to it:

    a (e) President (e) (on) Treasurer (e)

    a (e) Secretary,

    a (e) Director (trice)

    The officers are necessarily personal, individual members. They may be reappointed.


    • The President represents the association of right to justice • It a mandat pour organiser et contrôler l'activité de l’association et dirige l'administration • Le président prend les responsabilités par la signature des contrats et représentation de l'association pour tous les actes engageant des tiers, et porte la responsabilité envers la loi, envers ses membres et ses partenaires.
    • Il peut déléguer l'exercice de ses responsabilités.
    Le secrétaire
    Le secrétaire assure : • les taches administratives en générale, • la correspondance de l'association,
    • établit les comptes-rendus des réunions.
    • is responsible for keeping records and archives


    • The Treasurer leads the (financial) management of the association
    • keep accounts,
    • receives contributions,
    • make payments and investments,
    • prepares the annual report. • made the presentation of the accounts of the association at AG Replacement Board member

    In case of vacancy, the office provides temporary replacement of its members. He proceeded to their final replacement by the next General Assembly. The powers of the members so elected shall expire at the time due to expire the mandate of the members replaced.

    ARTICLE 7 - DISSOLUTION The dissolution is pronounced by the Extraordinary General Assembly.

    In case of dissolution pronounced by two-thirds of members present at the Extraordinary General Meeting, one or more liquidators appointed by it and assets, if any, shall vest in accordance with Article 9 of the Act of l July 1901 and the Decree of August 16 1901.

    In case of voluntary dissolution, statutory or declared by court, the property of "Company History" will be vested in accordance with the statutes or, in the absence of statutory provision, according to the rules determined in general meeting.

    Historical Society 94120 St. George & Dalayrac

    The resources of the Society of St. George & Dalayrac "consist of membership, contributions, donations of its members, grants legal. No source of income can influence policy and decisions taken by the management bodies "Company History".
    The contribution amount is reassessed at each General Assembly.

    The founding members resolved:

    • The expenses of the company (administrative costs + statement in the OJ).
    • The single membership fee (25 euros)
    • The annual fee (25 euros)

    regulations are payable to: Treasurer "Historical Society 94120 - St. George & Dalayrac"

    Table contributions


    Each project is subject to a contract whose objectives are to: • Write

    Specifications • Balancing the budget • protect revenues and property of the parties
    • Establish service contracts for third parties (nature and duration of the mission, where the interventions, financial conditions and modalities of regulation, specific clause)
    • Establish contracts with stakeholders (nature and duration of the mission , places of their intervention fee, expenses and / or reward specific clause)
    • recording invoices and payments.
    • Evaluate the mission and prepare the balance sheet to present to the Board.

    Knowledge, skills and activities of the active members are paid according to a procedure defined by the rules and secured by an individual contract and registered. Amortization of inventory and material resources recoverable by the owner is included in the balance sheet according to legal procedures. spending "Company History" are payable on invoice, 30 days, check on the current account celle-ci.

    ARTICLE 10 - SOUVERAINETE Tous ces travaux accomplis, "La Société (Csgd94120)" décide, souverainement.

    Approuvés par l'Assemblée Générale constitutive, le samedi 19 juin 2004.
    Fontenay-sous-Bois, 94120, France

    Saturday, October 20, 2007

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    December 18, 2007: Concert St. George & Dalayrac

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    Seasons Csgd94120

    Une saison pour la Société d'histoire 94120 Saint-George & Dalayrac commence le 18 December of the year and ends on August 23 next year. Calendar Csgd94120 December 17-18: open season ***

    December 18: Blue like an orange the night of the South Seas January-June conferences before UnivCsgd94120 (around the 21th of each month: Jan. 21 : Publication UnivCsgd94120 competition, annually in January and junior
    February 21: Publication UnivCsgd94120 contest, February
    March 21: Publication junior competition UnivCsgd94120, March

    April 21: Publication UnivCsgd94120 junior competition, April May 10: Commemoration of the French abolition of slavery and Treaties
    May 21: Publication UnivCsgd94120 junior competition, months May

    June 21 : Publication UnivCsgd94120 junior competition, June
    July 13 to 31
    : Summer St. George & Dalayrac (UnivCsgd94120)
    Third week of July : UnivCsgd94120
    3rd Saturday of July: Inauguration of UnivCsgd94120; Concert St. George & Dalayrac
    Fourth week of July Festival St. George & Dalayrac
    Last Saturday in July: Carnival of the New Worlds. Theme: chess (game).

    August 23: Commemoration of the abolition of slavery international and Treaties. Meeting with the Municipality of Fontenay-sous-Bois.