Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Aj's Fine Foods Jazz Song

Greetings from St. George Festival, Guadeloupe

Accueil Programme Soutenir le festival Saint-Georges Contact .

Monday, December 27, 2010

What Does Mucus In Bowel Movements Look Like?


The Office CCVS, at 84 rue de Grenelle, will be closed Tuesday, December 28, but still open Wednesday, December 29, 2010.
Happy Christmas and New Year to all.

Monday, December 20, 2010

What Happens If Rack And Pinion


Thanks to Mr. Frederick Tournay notify us out of this book " Gardens in Alsace, four centuries of history ", published Sayings Places, which has, in the writings of researchers in the service of the inventory or specialists associated large stages in the history of garden art and the achievements of the most emblematic and botanical heritage of Alsace.

The book is extensively illustrated with historical documents often unpublished and numerous original photographs.
Frédéric Tournay was responsible for drafting the chapter on botanical gardens and plant collections in the region.
Practical Information about this book:
Released: November 2010

224 pages Format 30 x 24.3 cm to 310 images
Price 40 euros TTC
ISBN 978-2-36219-006 -3
More information by clicking this link.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Personalized Napkins With Logo

COURSON SPRING 2011-13 , 14 AND 15 MAY

May 2011 The theme of Plant Days Courson will be devoted to the exuberance the garden.

The idea is to think outside the box and offer the public and the media plant Amazing whose appearance brings an exotic touch to the garden either by their shape, their growth rate, size and color of flowers and / or leaf ...

What are the plants that you produce answer you think of this idea? Why?
What are their needs (soil, exposure, treatment)?
What are their origins? Have you pictures?
Can you present them during the spring session?
What advice would you support?
So many questions for the exhibitors to Courson préparer cette session de printemps 2011.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Stone Lodged In Penis


Avec les intempéries de ces derniers jours, le Loiret a subi de fortes chutes de neige et l'arboretum de M. et Mme Pierre PARIS ( Arboretum des Prés des Culands - Conservatoire National de l'Ilex ) n'a pas été épargné.
25 à 40 cm de neige sont tombés par endroits et la température est descendue à -12,5°C...
La neige a complètement enveloppé les arbres, les arbustes et les conifères, ce qui a provoqué une casse importante de certains végétaux et couché d'autres.
Il ne reste plus qu'à attendre la fonte de la neige et le thaw to measure the extent of damage.
We wholeheartedly with Mr. and Mrs. PARIS; support of us all will be welcome.

Arboretum des Prés Culand - The Nivelle - 45130 MEUNG-SUR-LOIRE
Tel: - Email: parispierre2@wanadoo.fr
Below, pictures sent by Mr PARIS; the damage seems important.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Side Effects Of Dhea In Wome


Special offer for Christmas 2010 , valid from 1 December 2010 to January 10, 2011 to choose among the numbers of 60-71 People & Plants:
  • a review for 8.50 €, including shipping to France (except No. 61 to 11 €)
  • 3 reviews for 25 €, shipping included for France ( outside No. 61)

The summaries of these issues are available for download on the website of the CCVS, Clicking this link .
You can order by sending us an e , with your payment the office of the CCVS in specifying the desired numbers and the words "special offer for Christmas 2010."
CCVS - 84 Rue de Grenelle - 75007 Paris
Tel: (always on Tuesdays and Wednesdays only)
Email: ass-ccvs@wanadoo.fr